Tattoo Me!
Guys, I have already knocked off one item on that Live list that I just posted about. So a little back story….
I think it was about a year ago I saw a tattoo that my sister-in-law had and thought to myself if I ever got a tattoo, that is it. It was super simple and would be meaningful. So I said, maybe someday I will do that. Well, a couple months ago, really, more like July, I said to my sister-in-law and my mom, I’m going to do it. I’m going to get that tattoo. And I’m going to get it done around my birthday. (ahem…which is tomorrow). Well, a few weeks went by and I hadn’t done anything about it. And in talking to a couple people, they said it would be best to schedule an appointment. So off I went, making plans to get together with some of my favorite ladies on the day we plan to get a tattoo. It was something, after all, that we all decided we were going to do. Yes; I wasn’t going to be the only one getting a tattoo – my mom was going to do it too. After all, as I mentioned, it is meaningful.
So after a bit of time looking into places, my mom went into a tattoo parlor right in town and made us appointments. Done. The appointment was set. Mom and I were going to do it!
Well, the day came. TODAY. Today, I met my mom at the tattoo parlor. She was already getting her tattoo (because she was getting a bit more than I was). I was SUPER nervous but didn’t show it, right Mom? 😉 But it was interesting seeing it being done. Mind you I can’t stand needles at all! Getting my finger pricked is like the worst thing. I cannot look at it. I digress. Mom’s turn is over and she now has 2 beautiful dragonflies on her ankle. They are so pretty!
Now it’s my turn. The artist checked with me on what I had said I wanted. She asked are you sure you don’t want it any bigger? Are you sure you don’t want more than that? Part of me wanted to say, sure, make it a bit bigger. Or sure do that. But remember, this was my FIRST tattoo. I had no idea really want to expect other than what people had told me. And I was OK with that because I said I wanted to do this. So I kept with my original plan. She got everything ready and then it started. I have to admit, I did cringe a bit and felt myself wanting to clench my teeth, but I did it! It wasn’t that bad. It only took about 10 minutes. And I have to say that I really do love it. Here is some photo evidence of me getting the tattoo. Don’t mind the one of me laying on the table, it’s unflattering, but I wanted to share with you the experience.

And here it is….
I know it’s super tiny, but it’s perfect. I’m so happy that I went through with it and happy that I had the support of my mom with me. I can’t tell you if I’d want to get another, but I am so glad that I did this.
Props go out Gillian at Seven Horses Tattoo of Epping for making the experience go smoothly! Check out Seven Horses Tattoo on Facebook, or Gillian at @ggshredtattoo on Instagram.
Do you have a tattoo? If so, do you want more?